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If we disregard our daily tasks and problems in managing our lives, if we stop for a moment and consider what interests us most, in the depths of our consciousness? Oh, then this is what is beyond, what we suspect, read, perhaps hear, but do not yet know. The deep secrets of life, the world, the universe. Endless secrets that everyone touches from time to time, whether they sneak through dreams, thinking, inspiration, walking in nature, reading art, spiritual books, or conversation.

One of the ways to reveal such secrets is the discovery of universal life energy , also called bioenergy, biofield, subtle field, 5th field ... Universal life energy (biofield) is not a matter of religion or speculation, but has long been the subject of scientific research. although unfortunately limited, as established or. orthodox science denies the existence of a biofield and thus the meaningfulness and credibility of such research.

Already various medicinal traditions, such as Chinese, Indian, as well as our Slovenian, confirm that the biofield is an essential component of life and health, similar to air, water, food, appropriate temperature, blood, etc. This is our fundamental life energy. When we lack it or are out of balance, we get sick, but when we lose it, we die.

Healing Touch Therapy_1
Chinese Medicine Herbs

Many people (at least 75% in Slovenia) have experience with healing methods that help us with our health. Most of these methods rely on the biofield and thus either strengthen or balance it. As soon as the biofield is confirmed as an objective reality, we will also be able to measure it with instruments and influence it in a controlled way. The possibility of measurement will also provide an opportunity for at least some of the healing methods that many physicians today see as charlatanism and the exploitation of gullible patients to become part of normal medical practice. At the same time, we will be able to actually separate the grain from the chaff, effective methods from actual scams!

The bioenergetician and the doctor will thus start working hand in hand (today we would revoke the license of this doctor!). Medicine will thus become truly integrated (unified) and at the same time much more effective, holistic than it is today. With further medical research into the biofield, we will develop a much friendlier treatment for ourselves (as well as animals and plants). The new treatment will approach man holistically, taking into account the different levels of man, both mentally, emotionally and bioenergetically, not just physically, as he is mainly doing now. All effective forms of treatment will be included, even remote treatment or prayer treatment, which will be given a realistic, demonstrable and understandable basis with the discovery of the biofield.

The redesign of medicine based on the discovery of the biofield will also dramatically change diagnosis. As the science of the biofield progresses, so will we be able to detect the dangers of contracting a particular disease sooner and more widely before it appears at the visible, cellular level. This will make it much easier to prevent it. Great possibilities are also promising in the field of treatment of today's incurable and increasingly common neurodegenerative diseases, which are behind the decline of the brain and the decline of mental abilities. Certain research and reflections already today show that the causes of these incurable diseases lie at the level of the biofield and even deeper. And only when we know and understand the cause can we begin to look for the right solution. Based on the science of the biofield, we will see why Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or mad cow disease occur. We will better understand the causes of dementia and autism. We will start developing a whole new range of drugs that will not have harmful side effects. These drugs will not burden the environment as they do today when we mostly get female frogs due to the remnants of female sex hormone preparations in the soil and water. Gradually, we will be able to treat in a way where the current (phyto) pharmacy with its often harmful and holistic preparations will look like a distant nightmare.


We will set new environmental safety standards for the protection of humanity and other nature. We will be able to objectively measure adverse or favorable energy impacts for the proper construction of our houses and even urban development. We will understand why sacral objects are mostly placed right at certain points, we will understand the importance of special places on Earth (healing, sacred…) and how to approach them.

Wheat Field

Plant protection products in agriculture will be replaced by much more refined and equally effective products, reminiscent of modern agrohomeopathic preparations. We will also learn to use energy radiation methods to protect plants. Bees, bumblebees, butterflies and many other animals will no longer die from insecticides. Environmental pollution will be drastically reduced.

Energy Efficiency Consultation
Power Plant

Given what we already know today, the discovery of the biofield will raise the ability to measure the biologically harmful component of radioactivity. The latter is revealed by research into the incidence of cancer in the vicinity of nuclear power plants, with physically measured these sites having the same low radioactivity as the more remote surroundings. We will also learn to neutralize radioactive waste. In this way, we will gradually get rid of harmful radiation and the constant threat to living beings on Earth.


Since we can expect some time after the discovery of the biofield and the possibility of safe extraction of this universal energy and conversion into usable energy, we will be able to close nuclear power plants as well as hydro and thermal power plants. Gradually, there will no longer be a need for fossil fuels, and we will, so to speak, spontaneously switch to a low-carbon society.


The discovery of the biofield and its general scientific acceptance will stimulate completely new scientific and philosophical questions and the search for deeper answers to the mysteries of life, death, nature, matter, consciousness, the universe, and so on. As a result, there will be major technological changes, among which we will almost certainly have wireless power transmission at a distance without losses, which Nikola Tesla dreamed of.

All these discoveries for the benefit of our daily lives are achievable to us in time and are not the dreams of enthusiastic scientists. The more we raise funds, the faster we will be able to realize this noble vision, because we can simultaneously engage more scientists around the world, as well as enable more in-depth research that needs state-of-the-art, accurate equipment. Many advanced scientists today are struggling to explore the secrets of the biofield by modest means and with frequent, unfounded attacks from colleagues in orthodox science, and eagerly await greater financial opportunities for research. They are wholeheartedly ready to participate in the realization of the vision presented here.

This time, development is in our hands. Let's take action. Let's make a change. Let's start today!

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