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About the Foudation


The Etrix Foundation is raising money to enable breakthrough scientists to do research work - primarily in the field of the subtle field, to prove its existence and consequently the phenomena emanating from this field.

We motivate individuals - we call them ambassadors of the penetrating new science - to actively look for supporters who are willing to direct part of their surplus funds into socially useful, daring, unorthodox research work.

Research work supported by the Etrix Foundation is no different from work in established science, only the field of research is fundamentally different. Here, too, the scientist conducts laboratory experiments with a methodology and technique also used by established science. It uses devices and gadgets that are generally established in science. He works responsibly, accurately, persistently, consistently, like established scientists, only the challenges may be more difficult because he has no support in the existing scientific doctrine, or there is even harassment. Research in a new field of science also requires more intensive development of new technologies, especially measuring equipment, which requires a lot of resources.

In addition, the Etrix Foundation has set itself the task of spreading new scientific knowledge in society and trying to bring it closer to as many people as possible for the common good. In the next phase, it will also support applied research, for the transfer of basic knowledge into everyday life, especially in the care of human health and the well-being of nature. For example, we can expect that - after the penetration of the subtle field into the scientific world - this will first be followed by medicine and will integrate many branches of medicine, whose successful practice is based on the subtle field (biofield, bioenergy, Qi, prana ...).

The founders of the Foundation come from different backgrounds, we are of different ages; among us are experienced economists, politicians, technologists, and natural scientists.

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Why the Foundation?

Because it is necessary for the development of this field to provide private funding for the research work of scientists who, due to research in new areas and the associated different view of the basic doctrine, cannot obtain public funding.

Science is extremely important for the existence and development of humanity. Through science, we have gained fundamental insights into nature and our life in it. We can no longer imagine a modern man without technology, without medicine, without communication, all of which were created as a result of the long-term garage work of countless scientists around the world. If at its beginning about 400 years ago science was, so to speak, the hobby of a few geniuses (eg Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton…), to this day it has become so fundamental to our progress, including economic, that all developed countries of the world have special budgets reserved for it. Overall, a massive amount of resources are allocated to it and it has become a part of our lives, it is a socially established area that is also influenced by state policy. For most people, it is also incomprehensible because of the extraordinary accumulated knowledge, which it increases day by day, and because of the countless details that it knows how to connect; therefore, it is also highly respected.


However, precisely because of its relatively comfortable status, modern science has fallen into the trap of its assertion and success. She became arrogant, she began to imagine that she already knew everything essential about life, the world and the universe. She became convinced that any different views, fundamental innovations, real challenges to established theoretical models, were just desperate cries of unsuccessful or self-confident individuals - quasi-scientists. Yet, in addition to actual dreamers, real, courageous scientists, who are often unrecognized, ridiculed, or even persecuted by existing science, look beyond these barriers — even suicides of such researchers are known. Many scientists belonging to established science are thus becoming increasingly similar to fundamentalist believers. They think their view is the only correct one. When it comes to water, for example, they claim that everything is already known about water today. If daring scientists, based on thorough and extensive research (not only their own but of a wider number of scientists in independent groups), claim that water has properties that physical water theory does not yet know today, they try to disable their research or prevent them from getting a doctorate. They do this because new views threaten faith in existing, only hitherto known facts. Of course, this is no longer really about science, but about a religious attitude towards established scientific views. What goes beyond this threatens an existing theory in which they have believed all their lives, lectured on it, taught students, wrote articles, and so on. It is therefore to some extent understandable that established scientists put themselves in the trenches as they defend their world, the world of faith in their science, but at the same time kill the real science that is always open to new insights.

Buried in such a position, unfortunately, they prevent the advancement of humanity. For the last 50 years, there have been no revolutionary scientific discoveries to move humanity. All the fundamental problems like hunger; lack of water; diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's and various other neurodegenerative diseases; environmental pollution; stable production of environmentally friendly energy; extinction of animal and plant species; depletion of the planet, etc., remain unresolved.

Established science has secured permanent and reliable financial resources through a policy of allocating state and interstate funds. This policy is led by cadres from this very same established science, its apologists, and they do not let scientists into this closed circle with challenging questions, views, and research plans. They are denied funding, with the label that it is a deception, that it is a bad or quasi-science, that it is non-existent facts, etc. However, we want to enable humanity the path to new, even seemingly impossible facts, such as. that water also has a so-called fourth, gelatinous state. It is therefore necessary, with the help of civil society, to enable bold science to exist first and then develop around the world. The 'daredevils' face funding problems all over the world. With the civil initiative, we will help humanity in further development, as its visionaries.

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