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Ambassador Etrix, light bearer for bold science

Ambasadorji Etrix

The human mission is to help others; when we do something good for others, we are fulfilled, sometimes quite happy. When we can do something for all of humanity, we can even be proud of ourselves.


Anyone who wants to become an ambassador of the Etrix Foundation (in the making) can get the opportunity for this kind of satisfaction with her volunteer work, helping daring science in its noble mission - first of course to exist, then to develop, penetrate and open new horizons of knowledge and useful possibilities. for all mankind. The Etrix Foundation seeks to raise funding for seamless scientific research in the field of penetrating the mystery of the subtle field behind both life and the universe. It's about t. im. biofield (also known to the public as bioenergy), some also talk about the 5th field or quantum field in physics. In astrophysics, they learn about some of its effects without knowing exactly what it is, and they talk about dark matter or dark energy. It is also known in Eastern literature, where they talk about life energy or prana, Qi energy; its treatment is the foundation of traditional medicine.



The bold science backed by Etrix explores a subtle field without shrouds and with a view to opening up many possibilities for its application for the benefit of society ; established science not only avoids this, but even stigmatizes and suppresses such research because it believes that any search for a special energy that has not yet been physically described and is supposed to help or even be essential for life is only an anachronistic remnant of medieval mysticism. We forget, however, that in established science we know and treat less than 5% of the known universe .



To begin with, the help in supporting bold science is in fact support for this kind of Slovenian science. With financial growth, we expect aid to gradually spread around the world. The breakthrough of bold science must be a global phenomenon in perspective.


Ambassador Etrix strives to:

  • obtain financial resources,

  • make contacts and look for people who are in favor of this idea,

  • to acquire patrons and smaller individual donors,

  • to promote such research work,

  • look for other ways in which it can contribute to the development and dissemination of such research.


Ambassador Etrix is ​​like a lamp that helps bring light into the dark corners of hidden life. The funds raised with his help help illuminate the unknown horizons of life and the universe.


The ambassador can also be a member of the Etrix Foundation club, where he will receive professional support for his work. As an ambassador, he will be kept abreast of the latest research developments or achievements, interesting articles or summaries concerning this type of extremely interesting research from around the world.


We speak of breakthrough science because the subtle (fifth) field, as a newly discovered state of matter and energy, will shake to its foundations the current view of life, man, nature and the universe. It will break through existing and in some respects obsolete scientific doctrine and enable humanity to develop a calmer, more balanced and healthy and harmonious development, which will closely include the right attitude towards the environment, nature and other living beings.


The subtle or fifth field is elusive (hence the adjective ‘subtle’), it is not easy to detect, it is even harder to explore. An already established science with a proven and well-established research methodology needs a lot of resources to prove its hypotheses; so many more then need to explore the subtle field. In the absence of these funds at present, existing subtle field research undertaken by a small group of researchers around the world is deficient and insufficiently systematic. This gives additional power to much more supported official science to sublimely despise and persecute such research, even though it would open up new insights to humanity about the world we live in and the nature of living organisms as well as inanimate matter.


Read another interesting article about the blockage of modern natural sciences .



Light Bearers Club for Subtle (5th) Field Science
- Club Z5P


Some pioneering scientists around the world are working to pave the way for humanity to gain new knowledge about the universe and life. In doing so, they do not fall prey to lush imagination or their own desires and ambitions, but are based on objective research work, which is still ignored and even stigmatized by official science. One of such perspective areas is the existence of a subtle or even the 5th field , which in relation to organisms and life is called the biofield or. bioenergy. This field permeates both molecular and cellular as well as organic processes. Some recent research suggests that field 5 may also be related to t. im. black or invisible matter assumed by astrophysics. Just as electricity is present in the range from cellular processes, through everyday usability for humans to storm clouds all over the planet, so the universal presence of the subtle field in inanimate nature is indicated. biofields in wildlife. With convincing scientific confirmation of this phenomenon and given the properties already researched, it will most likely turn out that the planetary community of organisms is much more connected and interdependent than even ecologists have dared to admit so far.




There are already around 25,000 scientific studies on the biofield published in various scientific publications, and clear confirmations for it are mostly in medicine. However, despite the proven facts, established science avoids studying this phenomenon, as it simply ignores it due to its inability to explain. As a difficult-to-perceive, subtle phenomenon, it does not belong to the concept of existing materialist doctrine, which has been partially surpassed by physics, but is still very much present in biology and chemistry. To date, there is no appropriate and generally accepted theoretical model for the biofield. An initiative that would unequivocally prove the existence of the biofield and consequently its importance for the coexistence of organisms in the planetary ecosystem, as well as for health, life and disease, and last but not least for fresh breakthroughs in the natural sciences, has not yet come to life through systematic, in-depth and extensive scientific research.




In 2016, the Institute for Venture Science in Seattle, USA, announced a call for basic science projects in the field of daring, “Cutting Edge,” science. The call, the first of its kind in the history of mankind, was open to the whole world and made it possible for scientists from a wide variety of fields of unconventional research to apply. Over 200 research groups and individuals with short descriptions of projects applied for the call. Among them is also the Slovenian one, which was shortlisted. We would like to point out that the mentioned Institute is primarily only an expert system for strict scientific assessment (penetration, feasibility) of projects from unconventional science, but it does not have its own funds for financing selected projects. He may acquire them over time, but there is no guarantee of that. That is why we decided to raise funds in our country so that Slovenia would become a beacon for unconventional, daring science. We see this as an investment in the future of humanity, the future of our planet.


The scientific discovery of the biofield is an important project for all mankind, but it does not have the possibility to obtain government funds or the funds of already existing foundations. The cause is in the nature of the biofield, which does not correspond to the concepts and models of modern natural science. The discovery of this 5th field, therefore, willy-nilly, undermines the conservative scientific paradigm, thereby encouraging the resistance of much of conventional science. As the latter holds all the levers of public funding of scientific projects, it is necessary to enable the discovery of the biofield and the promotion of related science to live through a broad-based civic initiative.


This role is taken over by the Club of Ambassadors of Science on the Subtle (5th) Field (Club Z5P), an association of civic promoters. We will unite in our club, from where we, as Z5P ambassadors, will try to obtain individual patrons to finance the project. The aim is to obtain first funds for stable funding of basic scientific work, and then its expansion and international coordination. The club will provide regular professional support to ambassadors.

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